How About a 360-Degree Camera for Your Car?

Your car is your most expensive possession, so why shouldn’t you protect it with a 360-degree camera?
A 360-degree camera is an excellent investment for any car owner. It’s a relatively inexpensive way to protect you from any accidents or thefts. They’re not cheap, but they’re excellent for capturing car accidents, collisions, or damage caused by other vehicles. Just make sure you have it set up before something happens.
Here’s what you need to know about this technology:

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India’s Elusive Leopards Have Been Caught Staring at Camera

The Indian Forest Service caught a leopard staring at the camera and posted the photo on their Twitter account. While leopards are known to enjoy their own company, it feels special for a person to capture them on camera, especially when they try to find out what the machine is made of. In this particular video, the leopard progressed in its endeavors after knowing that the camera was harmless.
The leopards are part of the larger big cats family known for their speed in hunting for food. While the leopard is not that fast, it is known for its drill to climb and …

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Jill Furmanovsky to Donate Artwork to Art Aid Ukraine

The Art Aid Ukraine is a charity that aims to raise funds to support medical aid in Ukraine and the surrounding region. The organization has been running auctions since 2016, with previous auctions raising over £100,000 in total.
So far, the charity has raised over £1 million for the country’s hospitals, which has helped treat thousands of Ukrainians who have cancer and other life-threatening diseases.
The latest auction is currently live and will run until 17 May 2022. It offers a selection of works by famous…

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The Best Vlogging and Filmmaking Software for 2023

Not all video editors are the same. This article will look at some of the best options for video editing software you can use to edit your videos.
1. Adobe Premiere Pro
Video Production Calgary states Adobe Premiere Pro is the industry standard for high-end editing. It’s a full-featured tool that lets you do almost anything you need to do with video. This is recommended to get into more advanced features like motion tracking, effects …

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